SaltStick 2024 Partnership Form!

November 27, 2023

SaltStick 2024 Partnership Form!

SaltStick 2024 Partnerships!

As the SaltStick community continues to grow, we're excited to broaden our partnership opportunities! Here are our expanded partnership opportunities for 2024:

  • Sweater Crew - Our incredible team of ambassadors! An annual partnership that includes personal and shareable discounts, free product + swag shipments, early access to new products, incentive-based rewards, and a community-focused environment
  • Team and Group Sponsorships - Team discount code + product samples for major events (i.e. team camps, welcome boxes, etc.)
  • Gifted and Paid Influencers - Short-to-medium term partnerships that involve product (and possibly cash) in exchange for promoting our products online
  • Professional Athletes - Paid sponsorships for athletes who compete at the highest levels

Want to work with us? Scroll down or click here to fill out your application!

Who should apply?

If you break a sweat, you're an athlete. If you love SaltStick, you should apply! We're excited to expand our roster of athletes and ambassadors who can take SaltStick to new heights -- the requirements are simple!
  • ATHLETES - You love getting out there and working up a sweat in any sport
  • COMMUNITY MEMBERS - You're happiest when with your people (in-person and online). Group leaders, coaches, team members all welcome!
  • SALTSTICK FANS - You love SaltStick!

While we can't make any guarantees to support athletes beyond the U.S., we're open to working with athletes from all countries.

Sound good to you? Apply below! (Takes about 5-10 minutes to complete.)

SaltStick Partnership Intake Form!

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