- Benefits: Aside from building stronger bones, calcium can help ensure proper muscle contraction and vascular contraction and expansion. Calcium has also been shown to reduce the absorption of dietary fat, which may help people trying to lose weight.
- Where to get it: Dairy products, baked beans, almonds, broccoli, kale and other dark green leafy vegetables. It’s also essential to take in Vitamin D through sunlight exposure or through a supplement to help your body absorb calcium.
- Benefits: Like calcium, magnesium helps your body maintain proper bone mass and density. Because it’s an electrolyte, it’s essential for nerve signals and muscle contraction. Also, it can help neutralize stomach acid, which is why magnesium is sometimes prescribed as a laxative.
- Where to get it: Legumes, whole grains, almonds, dairy products, chocolate, broccoli, squash, and other dark green leafy vegetables.
- Benefits: We may have been trained to believe sodium is a bad thing, and it is if you consume too much of it. But sodium is actually an essential salt, needed for muscle contraction and cell functioning. As the primary electrolyte in the body, sodium is needed for blood regulation, and it’s very important for maintaining adequate fluid levels within the human body.
- Where to get it: The standard American diet includes and abundance of sodium, but as an athlete, you’re hopefully not eating that way! Healthy sources of sodium include apples, common salt, homemade soups, cabbage, egg yolks, bananas, carrots, turnips, dark green leafy vegetables and dried peas.
- Benefits: Like all electrolytes, potassium is essential for muscle contraction. It’s also crucial for a properly functioning heart and kidneys. Because the body works in ratios of salts as opposed to absolute amounts, one of the easiest ways to counteract a high sodium diet is to consume more potassium. Luckily, though, a diet full of fruits and vegetables is naturally high in potassium and low in sodium, meaning you’ll maintain an optimal balance by simply eating healthy.
- Where to get it: Potassium comes most famously in bananas (which is why they are the favorite fruit of runners). But you can also consume potassium in potatoes, tomatoes, avocados, fresh fruits (oranges, and strawberries), dried fruits (raisins, apricots, prunes, and dates), spinach, beans and peas.